The Coordinator
Ideally, each organization should develop a coordinator. In many organizations, the coach acts as both coach and coordinator, which can become overwhelming to the coach. For this reason, we highly recommend establishing a coordinator position. The coordinator would act as point person between Teen Bible Challenge staff, the organization, and coaches.
The Coordinator Responsibilities
- Talk up the program with teens, staff, and parents
- Submit bulletin announcements to church administration
- Schedule TBC/KBC presentations for recruitment purposes
- Reserve classrooms for weekly practices
- Attend competitions once a month
- Provide competition material for coaches to hand out to teens
- Fill out league registration form(s) and send to TBC Inc.
The Coach
First, you must have a Coach.
Most young people are not self-motivated and are in need of the guidance and training of a good leader. Since most teams are co-ed, it is good to have a married couple coaching the team. The couple in many ways will become a second “Mom and Dad”. In fact, some teens will share their innermost thoughts and deeds with the coaches, before they will their own parents. Therefore, the coach must be in tune with the youth. Without this consistent interest, understanding, and love of a coach, morale and success often lags.
The Coach Responsibilities
- Recruit quizzers
- Set weekly individual and group goals for the quizzers
- Develop a sense of team unity
- Hold practices for quizzers
- Attend competitions once a month, providing team line-up to score keepers and keeping track of their team’s score
- Hand out schedule & competition material to challengers
- Lead prayer & discussion time on verses during practices
- Arrange refreshments during practices (parent & youth rotation optional)
Establishing the Team
How many do you need?
Each team must consist of at least three members and no more than five. There is no limit on the number of participating teams an organization may have. Participants or teams may drop out one month and return the following. New Teams may join at any time.
Who is eligible?
a) KBC grades 3-5
b) TBC grades 6-12
The Team
In order to have a team you must have participants. You can recruit youth from your organization. Your organization should be made aware of the TBC program before you actively start individual recruiting. Secure the support of your organization. If they have never seen Teen Bible Challenge, they should! Otherwise, they will have a difficult time supporting something they know nothing about. Set up a demonstration for your organization.
Personal contact is always the best way to recruit. This shows youth that you are interested in them. Talk directly to the young person instead of trying to reach him/her through parents. Write out your “sales pitch” so that you present all of the basics in the original call. Remember the young person is not taking notes, so don’t flood him/her with a lot of details. Invite the youth to an introductory TBC practice where they are actively participating, experiencing success in memorizing and understanding scripture. Make this an exciting and fun time and don’t forget refreshments. Have a handout sheet available for the teens to take home with them at the close of the meeting. A follow-up call inviting them back is crucial in the beginning.